Event Patrons: |
Gábor Rostás Chairman of POSTÁS Sports Club |
István Jelinek Chairman of TÁJREND Sports Club |
President |
György Horváth |
We organize the M65 category in memory of Andor Korik, one time coach of our orienteering section.
This Information bulletin is downloadable for printig:
in PDF format
in MS Word .doc format
Event center and Finish
Piliscsaba – 500 meters south from the entrance of Péter PázmányCatholic University campus
N 47° 37' 28.23", E 18° 51' 10.37"
Getting to the Event center and parking
Competitors can reach the Event center driving on main road nr. 10. Turn off south at the traffic light in front of the entrance of Péter Pázmány Catholic University Campus, at the easternmost outskirts of Piliscsaba. This is also the junction to an ALDI store and a petrol station. From then on follow signpost to the Event center (ca. 500 meters). Due to the increased traffic generated by arriving Postás Cup participants a significantly longer than normal queue might build up at the traffic light. Please be prepared to a minor traffic jam and slow down in time!
The parking is located close to the Finish area and in its surroundings, and also by the dirt road leading up to it. It is not allowed to park in the parking of the ALDI store.
The Event Center is located right next to a stone mine, which is strictly out of bounds for all participants! Crossing the cordon line is dangerous and forbidden. Please mind the children in your company not to play near the mining area.

April 12th (Saturday): 8:00-10:30
April 13th (Sunday): 9:00-10:00
Entry fees must be paid at the Registration as per the entries.
- Changes and new entries can only be accepted within the limits of the already existing start lists.
- Entry fees at registration (from April 11th):
HUF 5.200/person/2days (MW 20-60),
HUF 3.100/person/2days (-MW18, MW65-),
HUF 1000/person/day Open.
- The cost of changes after April 11th: HUF 500/person, at Registration: HUF 1.000/person
- Changes must be submitted on the forms received at the Registration desk. Please help the organizing team by submitting all known modifications in advance when possible to riczel.jozsa@gmail.com up to April 12th 8:00.
- The event will be run with the SportIdent electronic punching system. Participants who do not have their own e-card may hire one at a fee of HUF 200/person/day at Registration. Free e-card hire for competitors under age 14.
- Due to insufficient number of entries we have applied the following category changes:
M10C → M10D vagy M12C
W10C → W10D vagy W12C
W14C → W15-18C
Any accommodation provided by the organizers can only be taken up by showing the voucher received at Registration. These accommodation fees have to be paid at Registration.
Accommodation locations
Student Hostel and Hard floor accommodation (both at the same place):
Agriculture and Forestry Collage
Piliscsaba, József Attila út 2.
GPS: N 47° 38' 16.24", E 18° 50' 01.08"
All accommodations may be taken up from 17:00 on Saturday afternoon and have to be left 9:00 Sunday morning at latest.
Day 1.: middle distance 11:00
Day 1.: relay race 16:00
Day 2.: long distance 10:00
In the changing tents set up in the Finish area
Day 1: 400m/20m climb, marked by blue-white tape
Day 2: 1050m/30m climb, marked by blue-white tape
The Open A and B, MW 10D, MW10DK categories have a separate start both days 80 meters from the Finish area.
Start numbers have to be worn visible on chest; safety pins can be acquired at registration.
Only runners wearing start numbers will be allowed to start at the competition.
The clearing and checking of the SI cards will have to be done outside the starting corridor, before entering it. The clearing stations will be located about 20m from the entrance of the starting corridor. Entering the starting corridor happens 2 minutes before start time. There will be a separate corridor for those arriving late to start.
Maps will be located 40-100 meters from the start.
Taped route
On Day 2 the longer courses (M21E, M21A, M21B, M20E, M18E, M35A, M40A and W21E) cross main road nr. 10 and the railway. This crossing happens through an underpass under the road and the railway. The underpass is about a 1,5 meters high so the passage has to be done with caution! The underpass will be marked with tapes that have to be followed. It is strictly forbidden to cross the road or the railway on the surface; it causes immediate disqualification and is also very dangerous!
Also on Day 2, participants in the Open B category can follow the yellow tapes of MW10D category from the start to the first control.
Hilly terrain located about 250 meters to 400 meters above see level. Poor network of paths and forest tracks. Rich contour details under a mixed vegetation coverage that has a varying run-ability ranging from poor to good. Wearing full body cover is recommended!
Day 1: in scale 1:10 000, with 5m contour interval, surveyed in 2014 according to IOF standards, offset printed in 5 colors.,
Day 2: for categories M21E, M21A, M21B, M20E, M18E, M35A, M40A, W21E, W20E, and W18 in scale 1:15 000 while in scale 1:10 000 for all other categories.
Size of the maps is A4
Maps will be made water resistant.
Competitors may take their maps after the start (flying start).
For the relay race all maps will be put into plastic bags in advance.
On Day 1 all maps will have to be handed in after reaching the finish until 75 minutes after the base time.
are available on loose sheets in the start and are also printed on the maps.
Category names on the maps and on the control descriptions are: M (man), W (woman)
Control punching system
The control posts are equipped with the SportIdent electronic punching system and the location is marked with small pieces of paper. If the control lamp does not flash please use the punch.
Refreshment points
On Day 2 for the courses with longer than 60 minutes winning time in the location marked on the map.
Both the pre-entered and those entering on the day can start any time between 30 and 120 minutes after base time, leaving a minimum of 1 minute start interval. The Open class will also use the SPORTident electronic timing system: please punch the start box as you start! We will not prepare start lists, we will not combine the results of the two days and there will not be a result ceremony either. However, we will publish the results with all the other results.
On-line results in the Finish area
There will be a wifi hotspot in the Finish area with access limited to a local server providing up to date results service to anyone with a mobile wifi enabled device.
To be able to access the server connect to the 'postas' hotspot (open network, no password needed) and type http://postas.hu into any WEB browser on your device. A simple homepage will come up with on-line results and basic event infomrmation.
With the support of our partner, SENZOR Ltd. we will be experimentally operating a live webcam podcast from multiple locations from the forest that can be followed live in the Event center and through the internet.
"Fairytale wandering” around the finish area with the same start as for the Open categories. Registration on Day 1:12:00 – 15:30 on Day 2: 10:00 – 13:30.
Base time: 16:00
Team line ups can be submitted until 14:00 in the Event Center.
Category start times:
00: M21A, M18B
05: M14B, M135
10: W18B, W21A, MIXL
15: W14B, MIXS
A spectators control is located south of the Finish line, from where the remaining course takes about 3-5 minutes.
Result ceremony
The result ceremony for the relay race will take place at 18:30 Saturday afternoon.
The result ceremony for the overall race will take place at 14:00 Sunday afternoon.
The best Hungarian competitor in M65A will be announced as the winner of the Andor Korik memorial event.
Other important information
- We are collecting waste selectively. Please use the recycling points in the parking area and in the finish area. Please also piece plastic cups together after drinking the refreshments.
- During the weekdays there are forestry operations in the competition area, take due care!
- In order to safeguard the wild game in the forest no dogs should be taken onto the competition area and please keep them on a lead in the Finish area as well!
- At the Finish, in the Car Park or on any part of the competition area it is forbidden to smoke, make fires or use a naked flame.
- Please take care of the order and cleanliness of the accommodation venues and the Event Center.
- There will be a buffet serving hot and cold food in the Finish area.
- On Day 1 the dr. Szentgyörgyi Imre Memorial OL event will be organized for the employees and students of the post and communication industry and schools.
- Every competitor takes part at their own risk.
We collect waste separately. In order to minimalize waste, please keep in mind the followings:
- if you can, take your waste home with you
- use the selective waste collection points, and piece together plastic cups after refreshing
- empty and compress plastic bottles before throwing them away
The organizers wish all participants a pleasant and successfull event!